treating them as a metamorphosis (by sublimation) of the fundamental demand for love
on demands for love within social universes
treating them as a metamorphosis (by sublimation) of the fundamental demand for love
on demands for love within social universes
there is no need to pass through an ontogenetic hypothesis in order to account for demands for love addressed within social universes such as employment
even aside from this apodictic derivation
This threat of dereliction in the service of a foreign desire, the threat of the expenditure of the power of acting as pure loss – though obviously the ‘loss’ is never pure, if only because at the very least the expenditure brings in a salary – can be countered in the end in a very limited number o…
[...] because it is removed from the concrete appreciation of capital, the conatus of financial capital has contact with absolutely nothing beyond the surplus value that flows back to it. It can therefore form no other desire.