Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


Luxuries and fine goods had been scarce in Iceland's penurious past

—p.143 Unwound (141) by Rebecca Solnit
You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


everything had gone well under her aegis

basically "shield"

—p.136 Knot (117) by Rebecca Solnit
You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


Women were spinsters before the word became pejorative, when distaff meant the female side of the family.

—p.131 Knot (117) by Rebecca Solnit
You added a note
7 years, 3 months ago

suffering is boundless

Others' woes can be used as reproaches and sometimes are: how dare you think about your own private suffering when wars are raging and children are being bombed? There is always someone whose suffering is greater than yours. The reproaches are often framed as though there is an economy of suffering…

—p.128 Knot (117) by Rebecca Solnit
You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


Even after losing the perfidious boyfriend

—p.122 Knot (117) by Rebecca Solnit