[...] Yet co-linearisation, especially when it is as marked with intentionality as neoliberal alignment is, can never fully dodge its saddening part, not so much because of the initial heterogeneity of desires and the fact that one desire aims at pulling the other in its direction, as because this …
the Church looks askance at excesses of zeal: the word for clerical normality, ‘idoneity’, designates the optimal point between necessary and excessive commitment
[...] As if to confirm the hypothesis of universal passionate servitude, the most surprising thing is that companies (sometimes) open their doors to cameras, no doubt because the filmmakers were persuasive enough, but also under the effect of a kind of perfectly innocent good conscience, whose sour…
[...] it would be quite something if at the end of the introspective analysis of their ‘lack of empathy for subordinates’, difficulty in ‘managingit would be quite something if at the end of the introspective analysis of their ‘lack of empathy for subordinates’, difficulty in ‘managing relations wi…