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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


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7 years, 3 months ago


It seems to inject a teleological aspect that is not present in the older formulation

on the "action principle" evolution of Newton's laws

—p.53 Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010 (38) by Neal Stephenson
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7 years, 3 months ago

mathematical platonism

primeness and all the other subject matter of mathematics have a reality independent of the human mind. This assumption goes under various names, one of which is Mathematical Platonism

—p.47 Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010 (38) by Neal Stephenson
You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


Leibniz calls these mind-atoms by the name of monads.

—p.44 Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010 (38) by Neal Stephenson
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7 years, 3 months ago

Baruch Spinoza

Bertrand Russell called Leibniz's system "profound, coherent, largely Spinozistic, and amazingly logical."

—p.42 Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010 (38) by Neal Stephenson
You added a vocabulary term
7 years, 3 months ago


In his philosophy he practiced an ecumenicism that in a lesser mind would strike us as suspicious or even craven.

On Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

—p.39 Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715-2010 (38) by Neal Stephenson