it seemed like a case of old-fashioned brinksmanship, warning “partisans of the deed” that the state itself can match their boldness and ferocity
on the Iraq War
it seemed like a case of old-fashioned brinksmanship, warning “partisans of the deed” that the state itself can match their boldness and ferocity
on the Iraq War
the dimension of spectacle has never before interfered so palpably, so insistently, with the business of keeping one’s satrapies in order
citing "the radical group Retort" on the situation after 9/11
the only arena in which “moral and legal” justifications can be adjudicated is a “public sphere” emptied of all effective mechanisms of answerability
Th e second link between war and debt is really just the obverse of the first: alongside debts imposed in order to make war, there are debts imposed in order to keep the peace.
This lesson seems especially apt for the good citizens of the West, many of whom tend to mistake their own moments of private repose for the final realization of peace on earth. Against those who assume that the planet has been working its way toward an eventual state of tranquil prosperity—except …