High interest rates are wonderful for those living on unearned income, so-called rentiers, but not so good for manufacturers, who see their investment costs skyrocket and the purchasing power of their customers plummet.
High interest rates are wonderful for those living on unearned income, so-called rentiers, but not so good for manufacturers, who see their investment costs skyrocket and the purchasing power of their customers plummet.
The only way the Franc's Deutsche Mark value could be kept constant was, indeed, for the Bundesbank to keep doing the one thing it detested: incessantly buy francs using freshly printed Deutsche Marks. Were these marks to remain stashed in the vaults of the French central bank--or anywhere else for…
[...] nations in deficit could not sustain fixed exchange rates with the rest, especially in times of crisis. To remain within Europe's monetary snake, a country with a trade deficit, France for example, urgently needed to attract foreign money to finance its net imports. Foreign money is attracted…
So, when in 1971 Europe was jettisoned from the dollar zone, and exchange rates between its currencies started bobbing up and down, some of them falling as violently as others were rising, the European Union had real trouble managing the heavy industry cartel and the common agricultural policy that…