a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments
the "adaptive" and trend-spotting culture; a dialectic ultimately reproduced inside individuals who doubt
Of all the philosophers in the Hegelian tradition (and I include Heidegger), Sartre is the man who has understood the dialectic between self and other in Hegel's Phenomenology in the most interesting and usable fashion.
the development of the current crisis may be understood as an evolutionary, and also dialectical, process
here's a real example of the Ads versus Growth dialectic to illustrate
fuses the game's dialectic of order and flux
on Hal's disposition in tennis in IJ
This dialectic is Hegelian insofar as its paramount ideal is freedom
American vs Canadian idealism in IJ
truly dialectical thinking requires that the artist address his or her moment as part of a constantly shifting history
Drinion represents a key synthesis in the novel's man/machine dialectic
I describe in chapter 4 the dialectic of computerized complexity and balance-scale simplicity that underlies the moral vision of Brief Interviews.
what de Man calls the 'dialectical interplay' set up between text and interpreter
not the product of dialectic but sui generis: Truth!
quoting You Shall Know Our Velocity
At this point Claire's face indicates that she is well aware of feminist rhetoric and dialectic but is beyond being able to extract an appropriate quote.
This tutoring is dialectical. Literature makes us better noticers of life; we get to practice on life itself; which in turn makes us better readers of detail in literature; which in turns makes us better readers of life.
Since 2008, we have lived in a fourth stage of the post-1970s crisis sequence, and the by now familiar dialectic of problems treated with solutions that turn into problems themselves is again making itself felt
Building a postcapitalist world is as much a technical task as a political one, and in order to begin thinking about it, the left needs to overcome its general aversion to formal modelling and mathematics. There is no small amount of irony in the fact that the same people who criticise the abstraction of mathematical modelling often adhere to the most abstract dialectical readings of capitalism.
We should think of money and value as autonomous and independent of each other but dialectically intertwined.
Monsieur Poujade is well aware that the capital enemy of this tautological system is the dialectic
the system being that of retaliation
its beauty, its truth proceed from a profound dialectic between the life and death of language, between density of the word and the ennui of syntax
on modern poetry
Her modus operandi often involves taking a deadpan, seemingly literal-minded stance on a given concept or question in order to shed light on its contradictions, before then making an unexpected dialectical reversal.
questions about the dialectic between ‘original’ and ‘reproduction’ that have been unavoidable since Marcel Duchamp and Walter Benjamin
history as civilizational leaps has typically been a dialectical process of material advances followed by marcher lord conquest and a greater geographical stage (empire)
if the derivative shares this philosophical peculiarity with all forms of credit, it nonetheless represents something like a dialectical leap from quantity to quality
The familiar dialectic repeats itself: dreams of love and glory, followed by fits of self-hatred, shame, and spite
"[...] I wanted to see the final swing of the materialist dialectic. [...]"
Cory's boss, Taren (his voice is wholly unconvincing)
that cynical dialectic which sets up injustice against enslavement while strengthening one by the other
A politics of indebtedness thus poses a basic dialectical problem: how can the constructive and constitutive force of indebtedness be affirmed without erecting an appropriative and destructive apparatus?
Lenore embodies the kind of Hegelian dialectic of servitude characteristic of Wallace's engagement with ideas of identity and connection
since Lenore's identity is mostly shaped by her relations with men around her
in a properly dialectical twist, exploitation includes its own negation
those who produce AND those who are excluded from producing are all exploited
We are not dealing now with ‘globalisation’ as an unfinished project’ but with a true ‘dialectics of globalisation’: the segregation of the people is the reality of economic globalisation.
on refugees in Europe
a pseudo-dialectical synthesis of the two terms as a way of resolving the eternal dilemma ‘to punish or to forgive’: first, punish the perpetrator, then forgive him
Modernity is not meant to be mindlessly celebrated, but neither is it to be disdainfully dismissed. Its positive and negative qualities are for the most part aspects of the same process. This is why only a dialectical approach, one which grasps how contradiction is of its essence, can do it justice.
in a dialectical reversal peculiar to major advances in social control, the idea that some are free to use others as means to an end, while others are free to allow themselves to be used in that manner, has been proclaimed the very essence of freedom
brings back a dialectical figure we had believed lost: that of capitalism’s self-transcendence out of its own contradictions