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Existentialist Engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer: A Philosophical Analysis of Contemporary American Literature
by Allard Pieter den Dulk
May 23, 2017 - May 27, 2017 (read/literary-criticism/david-foster-wallace)

Pieter den Dulk, A. (2014). Existentialist Engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer: A Philosophical Analysis of Contemporary American Literature. Bloomsbury Academic.

Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. 320 pages. Hardcover. 9781628923315

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Foreword: 'Love Me till My Heart Stops'

(the quote is from some graffiti he sees on Valencia Street)

about sincerity, and community, and love, and how that's found in the novels of Wallace, Eggers, and Foer

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Foreword: 'Love Me till My Heart Stops'

(the quote is from some graffiti he sees on Valencia Street)

about sincerity, and community, and love, and how that's found in the novels of Wallace, Eggers, and Foer

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DFW as leading the vanguard of discontent with the endless irony of American culture, and Eggers and Foer as following in his footsteps

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DFW as leading the vanguard of discontent with the endless irony of American culture, and Eggers and Foer as following in his footsteps

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hyperreflexivity as emblematic of contemporary Western life. some factors, acc. to Anthony Giddens in Modernity and Self-Identity:

  • living in a post-traditional order
  • pluralisation of life-worlds (being exposed to different cultures)
  • contextual nature of warranted beliefs (can no longer intuitively trust authorities)
  • prevalence of mediated experience (TV, newspapers, etc)
  • transformation of intimacy (esp sexual, since people have more choices)

Sartre's view of consciousness: transcendence and facticity, becoming a self, the alienation of self-reflection, solipsism

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hyperreflexivity as emblematic of contemporary Western life. some factors, acc. to Anthony Giddens in Modernity and Self-Identity:

  • living in a post-traditional order
  • pluralisation of life-worlds (being exposed to different cultures)
  • contextual nature of warranted beliefs (can no longer intuitively trust authorities)
  • prevalence of mediated experience (TV, newspapers, etc)
  • transformation of intimacy (esp sexual, since people have more choices)

Sartre's view of consciousness: transcendence and facticity, becoming a self, the alienation of self-reflection, solipsism

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Endless Irony

mostly about Kierkegaard's theories on irony and how they're echoed in Wallace/Eggers. also how verbal irony is different from existential irony

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Endless Irony

mostly about Kierkegaard's theories on irony and how they're echoed in Wallace/Eggers. also how verbal irony is different from existential irony

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Postmodernist Metafiction: John Barth

about Barth's problematic metafiction, analysed in light of Derrida's strategy of deconstruction

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Postmodernist Metafiction: John Barth

about Barth's problematic metafiction, analysed in light of Derrida's strategy of deconstruction

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Postmodernist Minimialism: Bret Easton Ellis

on why Bret Easton Ellis' work is empty and pointless (just the ironic-aesthetic attitude wrought on paper); American Psycho is compared to 'The Seducer's Diary' in Kierkegaard's Either/Or

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Postmodernist Minimialism: Bret Easton Ellis

on why Bret Easton Ellis' work is empty and pointless (just the ironic-aesthetic attitude wrought on paper); American Psycho is compared to 'The Seducer's Diary' in Kierkegaard's Either/Or

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Wittgenstein and Wallace: The Meaning of Fiction

now we get into an explanation of Wittgenstein's views on language (which ofc DFW agreed with, at least the later views). on ostensive definitions, and private languages, and communal language structures as a cure for solipsism, and fiction as a source of paradigmatic cases for infusing language with meaning

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Wittgenstein and Wallace: The Meaning of Fiction

now we get into an explanation of Wittgenstein's views on language (which ofc DFW agreed with, at least the later views). on ostensive definitions, and private languages, and communal language structures as a cure for solipsism, and fiction as a source of paradigmatic cases for infusing language with meaning

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using the Sartrean concept of sincerity. the problem with the word 'authenticity' is that it implies one has a real self, which existentialism vehemently opposes (one has to create it, moment by moment). sincerity in literature as a way of being vulnerable, of trying to convey some meaning

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using the Sartrean concept of sincerity. the problem with the word 'authenticity' is that it implies one has a real self, which existentialism vehemently opposes (one has to create it, moment by moment). sincerity in literature as a way of being vulnerable, of trying to convey some meaning

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overcoming irony and committing to reality through sincerity, examined in light of Kierkegaard's philosophy (the ethical life view, of responsibility and choice and transcendence)

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overcoming irony and committing to reality through sincerity, examined in light of Kierkegaard's philosophy (the ethical life view, of responsibility and choice and transcendence)

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mostly drawing from Camus in this chapter, though Sartre and Kierkegaard play a small role again. on rebellion and community

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mostly drawing from Camus in this chapter, though Sartre and Kierkegaard play a small role again. on rebellion and community

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Concluding Remarks

the overlap between literature and philosophy (note that the philosophers mentioned are all literary philosophers). the value of sincere, solution-offering, irony-rejecting literary works like those by Wallace/Eggers/Foer as paradigmatic cases to help one deal with the challenges of contemporary existence.

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Concluding Remarks

the overlap between literature and philosophy (note that the philosophers mentioned are all literary philosophers). the value of sincere, solution-offering, irony-rejecting literary works like those by Wallace/Eggers/Foer as paradigmatic cases to help one deal with the challenges of contemporary existence.

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