a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments
its beauty, its truth proceed from a profound dialectic between the life and death of language, between density of the word and the ennui of syntax
on modern poetry
its beauty, its truth proceed from a profound dialectic between the life and death of language, between density of the word and the ennui of syntax
on modern poetry
(noun) the usually ironic or humorous use of words in senses opposite to the generally accepted meanings (as in “this giant of 3 feet 4 inches”)
Minou Drouet's texts in this sense appear as the antiphrasis of all poetry insofar as they flee that solitary weapon of writers, literality
Minou Drouet's texts in this sense appear as the antiphrasis of all poetry insofar as they flee that solitary weapon of writers, literality
(verb) to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of; appease
A propitiatory victim sacrificed so that the world will be bright
A propitiatory victim sacrificed so that the world will be bright
relating to judicial proceedings and the administration of the law
the spectacular comfort of familial, juridical, religious norms
the spectacular comfort of familial, juridical, religious norms
the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion
We know that syncretism has always been one of the Church's major techniques of assimilation.
We know that syncretism has always been one of the Church's major techniques of assimilation.
(noun) prefatory remarks / (noun) a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work
astrology is definitely not [...] the prolegomenon to a dream, but only a mirror
astrology is definitely not [...] the prolegomenon to a dream, but only a mirror
(adjective) of or relating to dreams; dreamy
Then what purpose can it serve, this pure description, since it seems to offer no oneiric compensation?
Then what purpose can it serve, this pure description, since it seems to offer no oneiric compensation?
(noun) the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said); redundancy
Unfortunately, this pleonasm of intentions muffles both word and musi
Unfortunately, this pleonasm of intentions muffles both word and musi
(noun) a fluctuation of tempo within a musical phrase often against a rhythmically steady accompaniment
their overspectacular rubato
their overspectacular rubato
(adjective) of or relating to the earth; terrestrial / (adjective) being or relating to a usually natural electric current flowing near the earth's surface