paled by comparison with the oneiric escapades of '68
The oneiric wind whipped grains of sand that stuck to their faces
oneiric version of commodity fetishism
Rabbinic opinion differs as to how to interpret the interpretation of a dream that’s presented in a dream, but it’s significant that even the Rebbe’s oneiric interlocutors seem to doubt the endeavor
the oneiric juxtapositions in Ballad's and Meisel's work
what Ishiguro borrows from Kafka above all else is his oneiric geography, at once bizarre and strangely familiar.
If, as Wendy Brown has so persuasively argued, neoliberalism and neoconservatism can be made compatible only at the level of dreamwork, then Children of Men renders this oneiric suturing as a nightmare.
speaking of suturing, this is such beautiful linguistic suturing urgh
the oneiric form of The Box collapses into its content - the box, like the dream according to Freud, fulfils our wishes.
the figurative elements of this power, the oneiric themes composing it
on the myth of the USSR
Then what purpose can it serve, this pure description, since it seems to offer no oneiric compensation?
Blurring the oneiric and the mnemonic, Chang layers one consciousness over another.
Shanghai Gesture – mad love, oneirism.
In J. G. Ballard’s eerily oneiric Crash, a cabal of car crash fetishists ejaculate into the orifices of gaping lesions