the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion
her own syncretistic consumer theology
But in the syncretic ritual context
forgot the meaning ...
Nolan's revisiting of Batman is not a re-invention but a reclaiming of the myth, a grand syncresis that draws upon the whole history of the character.
We know that syncretism has always been one of the Church's major techniques of assimilation.
their religious beliefs (almost always syncretic)
we’ll hear a bit about the three different accounts of postcapitalism: Nick and Alex’s, Gibson-Graham’s, and Paul Mason’s. Paul Mason’s is a kind of syncretic account, really, based on lots of different theories
the new nation had to protect the canon from chauvinism. It had to promote the idea of the composite cul ture or an inherent tendency toward syncretism