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Adler, R. (2013). II. PITCH DARK. In Adler, R. Pitch Dark. NYRB Classics, pp. 43-95

the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement


While there’s nothing wrong with the miraculous, it always requires an abrogation of the law in one’s own special case

—p.67 by Renata Adler
1 year, 10 months ago

While there’s nothing wrong with the miraculous, it always requires an abrogation of the law in one’s own special case

—p.67 by Renata Adler
1 year, 10 months ago

[...] I ask Nicole where she is from. She says Chicago, with what is so clearly a German o that I’m taken aback. I just say, Really. She says, Before that Minneapolis. I have now firmly decided that by tomorrow I shall be gone from Ireland. [...]


—p.77 by Renata Adler 1 year, 10 months ago

[...] I ask Nicole where she is from. She says Chicago, with what is so clearly a German o that I’m taken aback. I just say, Really. She says, Before that Minneapolis. I have now firmly decided that by tomorrow I shall be gone from Ireland. [...]


—p.77 by Renata Adler 1 year, 10 months ago

report or represent in outline; foreshadow or symbolize


he did not know that the experience he has put me through, all those times, in all those years, is the one I’ve adumbrated, for a few hours, from time to time, just now?

—p.78 by Renata Adler
1 year, 10 months ago

he did not know that the experience he has put me through, all those times, in all those years, is the one I’ve adumbrated, for a few hours, from time to time, just now?

—p.78 by Renata Adler
1 year, 10 months ago

[...] Nicole says, When I was a child, and Papa, of course, was a conductor. William, from the depths of his cups, says, helpfully, Orchestral? And Nicole, annoyed, perhaps, at the interruption, says, U-Boat. There is a pause. She says, more improbably still, In those days, everyone’s Papa was. Back home in Chicago? I wonder, or Minneapolis?


—p.80 by Renata Adler 1 year, 10 months ago

[...] Nicole says, When I was a child, and Papa, of course, was a conductor. William, from the depths of his cups, says, helpfully, Orchestral? And Nicole, annoyed, perhaps, at the interruption, says, U-Boat. There is a pause. She says, more improbably still, In those days, everyone’s Papa was. Back home in Chicago? I wonder, or Minneapolis?


—p.80 by Renata Adler 1 year, 10 months ago