[...] Twenty-five years old, he is a young rogue who argues like a cynic. He has an infant prodigy’s capacity for absorbing knowledge, a sense of history, merciless views on his elders, and a love for a theoretical working class beside which the actual working class is only highly imperfect human material.
[...] Twenty-five years old, he is a young rogue who argues like a cynic. He has an infant prodigy’s capacity for absorbing knowledge, a sense of history, merciless views on his elders, and a love for a theoretical working class beside which the actual working class is only highly imperfect human material.
(noun) a political principle or policy directed toward the incorporation of irredentas within the boundaries of their historically or ethnically related political unit / a person advocating the restoration to their country of any territory formerly belonging to it
Around the great conception of the Balkan Federation there swarmed hordes of secret agents, impresarios of irredentism
Around the great conception of the Balkan Federation there swarmed hordes of secret agents, impresarios of irredentism