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Deciderization 2007--A Special Report


intro to The Best American Essays 2007. explaining the general process of choosing essays and also describing how the current political sentiment has influenced his choices

Foster Wallace, D. (2012). Deciderization 2007--A Special Report. In Foster Wallace, D. Both Flesh and Not: Essays. Little, Brown and Company, pp. 299-320

(adjective) keen, sharp / (adjective) vigorously effective and articulate / (adjective) caustic / (adjective) sharply perceptive; penetrating / (adjective) clear-cut, distinct


an undifferentiated mass of high-quality description and trenchant reflection that becomes both numbing and euphoric

—p.301 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

an undifferentiated mass of high-quality description and trenchant reflection that becomes both numbing and euphoric

—p.301 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(verb) blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff; remove (people or things) from a group until only the best ones are left


I am acting as an evaluative filter, winnowing a very large field of possibilities down to a manageable absorbale Best for your delectation

—p.303 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

I am acting as an evaluative filter, winnowing a very large field of possibilities down to a manageable absorbale Best for your delectation

—p.303 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(verb) to raise trivial and frivolous objection / (verb) to raise trivial objections to


I hear the caviling voices

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

I hear the caviling voices

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

not entropic


my Decidering function is anentropic and therefore mostly exclusionary

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

my Decidering function is anentropic and therefore mostly exclusionary

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(noun) the expression and emotional discharge of unconscious material (as a repressed idea or emotion) by verbalization especially in the presence of a therapist


I don't care much for abreactive or confessional memoirs

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

I don't care much for abreactive or confessional memoirs

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(noun) sleight of hand / (noun) a display of skill or adroitness


tired of the legerdemain of collapsing the word's neutral meaning--"preference, inclination"--into the pejorative one of "unfairness stemming from prejudice"

on the word "bias"

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

tired of the legerdemain of collapsing the word's neutral meaning--"preference, inclination"--into the pejorative one of "unfairness stemming from prejudice"

on the word "bias"

—p.308 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(verb) to make faulty or defective; impair / (verb) to debase in moral or aesthetic status / (verb) to make ineffective


the sort of magical compression that enriches instead of vitiates

—p.310 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

the sort of magical compression that enriches instead of vitiates

—p.310 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(adjective) of a golden color or brilliance / (adjective) marked by grandiloquent and rhetorical style


which is not exactly belletristic but certainly isn't written in aureate academese

on Peter Singer's "What Should a Billionaire Give?"

—p.310 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

which is not exactly belletristic but certainly isn't written in aureate academese

on Peter Singer's "What Should a Billionaire Give?"

—p.310 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

(noun) an informal conversation; chat / (noun) a short informal essay


several of this year's Best Essays are arguably more like causeries or propos than like essay per se

—p.311 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

several of this year's Best Essays are arguably more like causeries or propos than like essay per se

—p.311 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

Here is an overt premise. There is just no way that 2004's reelection could have taken place--not to mention extraordinary rendition, legalized torture, FISA-flouting, or the passage of the Military Commissions Act--if we had been paying attention and handling information in a competent grown-up way. "We" meaning as a polity and culture. The premise does not entail specific blame; or rather the problems here are too entangled and systemic for good old-fashioned finger-pointing. It is, for one example, simplistic and wrong to blame the for-profit media for somehow failing to make clear to us the moral and practial hazards of trashing the Geneva Conventions. The for-profit media is exquisitely attuned to what we want and the amount of detail we'll sit still for. [...] You'd simply drown. We all would. It's amazing to me that no one much talks about this--about the fact that whatever our founders and framers thought of as a literate, informed citizenry can no longer exist, at least not without a whole new modern degree of subcontracting and dependence packed into what we mean by "informed."

—p.313 by David Foster Wallace 7 years, 10 months ago

Here is an overt premise. There is just no way that 2004's reelection could have taken place--not to mention extraordinary rendition, legalized torture, FISA-flouting, or the passage of the Military Commissions Act--if we had been paying attention and handling information in a competent grown-up way. "We" meaning as a polity and culture. The premise does not entail specific blame; or rather the problems here are too entangled and systemic for good old-fashioned finger-pointing. It is, for one example, simplistic and wrong to blame the for-profit media for somehow failing to make clear to us the moral and practial hazards of trashing the Geneva Conventions. The for-profit media is exquisitely attuned to what we want and the amount of detail we'll sit still for. [...] You'd simply drown. We all would. It's amazing to me that no one much talks about this--about the fact that whatever our founders and framers thought of as a literate, informed citizenry can no longer exist, at least not without a whole new modern degree of subcontracting and dependence packed into what we mean by "informed."

—p.313 by David Foster Wallace 7 years, 10 months ago

lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group, which lessens social cohesion and fosters decline; popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his influential book Suicide


we, like diminished kings or rigidly insecure presidents, are reduced to being overwhelmed by info and interpretation, or else paralyzed by cynicism and anomie, or else--worst--seduced by some particular set of dogmatic talking-points, whether these be PC or NRA, rationalist or evangelical, "Cut and Run" or "No Blood for Oil"

—p.316 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago

we, like diminished kings or rigidly insecure presidents, are reduced to being overwhelmed by info and interpretation, or else paralyzed by cynicism and anomie, or else--worst--seduced by some particular set of dogmatic talking-points, whether these be PC or NRA, rationalist or evangelical, "Cut and Run" or "No Blood for Oil"

—p.316 by David Foster Wallace
7 years, 10 months ago