Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).


Our Economy


Monbiot, G. (2017). Our Economy. In Monbiot, G. Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics in the Age of Crisis. Verso, pp. 93-112


[...] Some authors claim that the free content being exploited commercially by platforms such as Facebook and Google could be monetised with the help of verification technologies (such as the blockchain ledger) and the profits currently monopolised by these behemoths distributed to the people who provide the content.

This seems unlikely to me. The tendency in many cases is surely towards free use and free access, rather than towards the distribution of commercial benefits. [...]

this is exactly the sort of myth I want to dispel with my adtech piece. value creation doesn't come from the users of Facebook and Google; it's nothing other than the surplus extracted from the actual producers of commodities primarily in the global south!!

—p.100 by George Monbiot 6 years, 9 months ago

[...] Some authors claim that the free content being exploited commercially by platforms such as Facebook and Google could be monetised with the help of verification technologies (such as the blockchain ledger) and the profits currently monopolised by these behemoths distributed to the people who provide the content.

This seems unlikely to me. The tendency in many cases is surely towards free use and free access, rather than towards the distribution of commercial benefits. [...]

this is exactly the sort of myth I want to dispel with my adtech piece. value creation doesn't come from the users of Facebook and Google; it's nothing other than the surplus extracted from the actual producers of commodities primarily in the global south!!

—p.100 by George Monbiot 6 years, 9 months ago