Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).

Bookmarker tag: topic/everybody-else (4 notes)

by Mary Karr

everybody else is traffic
by Mary Karr

See, I resent this shit, I say, pressing on the horn, adding, Even the fucking traffic feels orchestrated to fuck me up. Dev needs to eat. You need to get home before dinner curfew or you're grounded.

It's funny, she says, how everybody else is traffic, huh?

—p.244 | Self Help | created Jun 20, 2017

Notes From Underground
by Donald Fanger, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mirra Ginsburg

I am alone, and they are everybody
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Another thing tormented me in those days: the fact that no one else was like me, and I was like no one else. I am alone, I thought, and they are everybody. And I worried about it.

young CF influenced by this book?

—p.44 | On the Occasion of Wet Snow | created Jul 16, 2017

The Complete Short Stories
by Franz Kafka, Nahum N. Glatzer

for us they must disappear
by Franz Kafka

[...] while villages come toward us and flash past, while at the same time they turn away into the depths of the country, where for us they must disappear. And yet these villages are inhabited, and there perhaps travelers go from shop to shop.

(the main character, Raban, is a traveling salesman)

—p.68 | Wedding Preparations in the Country | created Aug 10, 2017

by Raymond Carver

dreams are what you wake up from
by Raymond Carver

[...] "Once, when I was in high school, a counselor asked me to come to her office. She did it with all the girls, one of us at a time. 'What dreams do you have?' this woman asked me. 'What do you see yourself doing in ten years? Twenty years? I was sixteen or seventeen. I was just a lump. This counselor was about the age I am now. I thought she was old. She's old, I said to myself. I knew her life was half over. And I felt lie I knew something she didn't. Something she'd never know. A secret. Something nobody's supposed to know, or ever talk about. So I stayed quiet. I just shook my head. She must have written me off as a dope. But I couldn't say anything. You know what I mean? I thought I knew things she couldn't guess at. Now, if anybody asked me that question again, about my dreams and all, I'd tell them.


[...] "'I'd say, 'Dreams, you know, are what you wake up from.' That's what I'd say." [...]

—p.200 | The Bridle | created Oct 18, 2019