(adjective) favorable to or promoting health or well-being
I could feel the sickness spreading like oil over the cool salubrious feeling
I always think it means either liquid or something bad (salacious?). by Michael Sears
I could feel the sickness spreading like oil over the cool salubrious feeling
I always think it means either liquid or something bad (salacious?). by Michael Sears
in a way that cannot be removed or forgotten
a couple of syllables, indelible in the mind's ear
an obituary of a fellow writer by Gloria Frym
a couple of syllables, indelible in the mind's ear
an obituary of a fellow writer by Gloria Frym
(adjective) careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences; prudent
(noun) a legal bar to alleging or denying a fact because of one's own previous actions or words to the contrary
the realtor-cousin stuck through our gate an estoppel form upon which he had written they were trying to get a number "like 950,"
the realtor-cousin stuck through our gate an estoppel form upon which he had written they were trying to get a number "like 950,"