Welcome to Bookmarker!

This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

Source code on GitHub (MIT license).

of Hebrew or the Hebrews

awareness of irony


meta-ironic. That is...to turn irony back on itself, to make his fiction relentlessly conscious of its own self-consciousness

—p.15 Cynicism and Naïveté: Modernism's Third Wave (1) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

meta-ironic. That is...to turn irony back on itself, to make his fiction relentlessly conscious of its own self-consciousness

—p.15 Cynicism and Naïveté: Modernism's Third Wave (1) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

(noun, linguistics) the thing that a word or phrase denotes or stands for


a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice of John Calvin

referent-based signification; truth-centric


what Derrida would call a logocentric view of language

—p.34 The Broom of the System: Wittgenstein and the Rules of the Game (21) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

what Derrida would call a logocentric view of language

—p.34 The Broom of the System: Wittgenstein and the Rules of the Game (21) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

the branch of zoology dealing with butterflies and moths

soon; shortly

deprived of physical or emotional feeling


grisly and hilarious pastiche of Ellis' preposterously benumbed prose

—p.79 Girl with Curious Hair: Inside and Outside the Set (65) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

grisly and hilarious pastiche of Ellis' preposterously benumbed prose

—p.79 Girl with Curious Hair: Inside and Outside the Set (65) by Marshall Boswell
8 years ago

poetic misreading or misprision

(noun, plural) the state or quality of being ultimate


the felt ultimacies of our time

a quote from John Barth in "The Literature of Exhaustion"

—p.109 Girl with Curious Hair: Inside and Outside the Set (65) by John Barth
8 years ago

the felt ultimacies of our time

a quote from John Barth in "The Literature of Exhaustion"

—p.109 Girl with Curious Hair: Inside and Outside the Set (65) by John Barth
8 years ago