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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(noun) a medieval trumpet with clear shrill tones / (noun) the sound of or as if of a clarion / (adjective) brilliantly clear / (adjective) loud and clear


he has been widely hailed as a genius, a visionary, a clarion voice

—p.viii Preface (viii) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

he has been widely hailed as a genius, a visionary, a clarion voice

—p.viii Preface (viii) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

pertaining to a dialogue; used by the Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin in his work of literary theory, The Dialogic Imagination


The term "dialogic" here, and elsewhere in this study, is intentionally ambiguous. It refers both to Bakhtinian dialogism--that is, pertaining to double-voicedness, either narrative or linguistic--and to the state of being in dialogue.

—p.1 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

The term "dialogic" here, and elsewhere in this study, is intentionally ambiguous. It refers both to Bakhtinian dialogism--that is, pertaining to double-voicedness, either narrative or linguistic--and to the state of being in dialogue.

—p.1 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

(noun) otherness / (noun) the quality or state of being radically alien to the conscious self or a particular cultural orientation


the fundamental unbridgeability of the gap between self and other is reinforced. That gap entails alterity, the nexus of subjectivity in the objectof communication that cannot be reached by communicative intent

—p.5 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

the fundamental unbridgeability of the gap between self and other is reinforced. That gap entails alterity, the nexus of subjectivity in the objectof communication that cannot be reached by communicative intent

—p.5 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

(noun) an ultimate end (from Greek)


Barry Dingle's homunculus never achieves his telos

on Order and Flux in Northampton

—p.5 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

Barry Dingle's homunculus never achieves his telos

on Order and Flux in Northampton

—p.5 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

the philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent intrinsic purpose, directive principle, or goal, irrespective of human use or opinion


The teleological imperative of postmodernism is to will its own decline, to question itself into silence, which is Wallace's central problem with it.

—p.6 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

The teleological imperative of postmodernism is to will its own decline, to question itself into silence, which is Wallace's central problem with it.

—p.6 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

(adjective) constituting a class alone; unique peculiar


I advocate a reading that moves away from the inclination to sui generis reading and toward a sense of him as a writer deeply embedded in literary and cultural history

what a great use of the phrase

—p.9 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

I advocate a reading that moves away from the inclination to sui generis reading and toward a sense of him as a writer deeply embedded in literary and cultural history

what a great use of the phrase

—p.9 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

relating to the writing of the lives of saints; (derogatory) adulatory writing about another person


challenging the too-frequent tendency toward hagiographical, sui generis readings

—p.12 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

challenging the too-frequent tendency toward hagiographical, sui generis readings

—p.12 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

the quality of talking fluently, readily, or incessantly; talkativeness


the comedy of ungoverned infant volubility

on Vlad in Broom

—p.19 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

the comedy of ungoverned infant volubility

on Vlad in Broom

—p.19 Introduction (1) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

the philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent intrinsic purpose, directive principle, or goal, irrespective of human use or opinion


for whom that anti-teleology is integrally related to his broader project for literature

on DFW as someone who resists ending

—p.22 "I'm a Man of My--" Wallace and the Incomplete (21) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

for whom that anti-teleology is integrally related to his broader project for literature

on DFW as someone who resists ending

—p.22 "I'm a Man of My--" Wallace and the Incomplete (21) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

under erasure: a strategic philosophical device originally developed by Martin Heidegger; involves the crossing out of a word within a text, but allowing it to remain legible and in place; used extensively by Jacques Derrida in his philosophy of deconstruction to signify that a word is "inadequate yet necessary"


In Of Grammatology, Derrida introduced his reading of the Heideggerian strategy of overwriting, which he called "sous-rature."

described as an act of superscription, not deletion

—p.25 "I'm a Man of My--" Wallace and the Incomplete (21) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago

In Of Grammatology, Derrida introduced his reading of the Heideggerian strategy of overwriting, which he called "sous-rature."

described as an act of superscription, not deletion

—p.25 "I'm a Man of My--" Wallace and the Incomplete (21) by Clare Hayes-Brady
7 years, 9 months ago