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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable


Our daily operations pull us ineluctably away

—p.9 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

Our daily operations pull us ineluctably away

—p.9 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

(adjective) born under or influenced astrologically by the planet Saturn / (adjective) cold and steady in mood; slow to act or change / (adjective) of a gloomy or surly disposition / (adjective) having a sardonic aspect


I premised these saturnine essays on a fairly basic assumption

—p.9 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

I premised these saturnine essays on a fairly basic assumption

—p.9 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

(adjective) requiring immediate aid or action / (adjective) requiring or calling for much; demanding


we can repossess what the exigencies of living in a high-speed information age are denying us

—p.12 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

we can repossess what the exigencies of living in a high-speed information age are denying us

—p.12 Second Thoughts (9) by Sven Birkerts
7 years, 6 months ago

coined by Jacques Derrida, blending difference and deferral (of meaning); central to deconstruction


the writers who most deeply reveal this transformative différance

the larger sentence is confusing and I don't fully get it so I haven't included it

—p.14 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

the writers who most deeply reveal this transformative différance

the larger sentence is confusing and I don't fully get it so I haven't included it

—p.14 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

(adj) another term for millenarian (the religious doctrine of a thousand-year period of peace and prosperity)


those who have not yet been apprised of the changes they personify regard the writers [...] as chiliastic

—p.14 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

those who have not yet been apprised of the changes they personify regard the writers [...] as chiliastic

—p.14 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

(verb) writhe toss / (verb) wallow / (verb) to rise and fall or toss about in or with waves / (verb) to become deeply sunk, soaked, or involved / (verb) to be in turmoil / (noun) a state of wild disorder; turmoil / (noun) a chaotic mass or jumble


(noun) one of the letters adopted as books of the New Testament / (noun) a liturgical lection usually from one of the New Testament Epistles / (noun) letter, or a composition in the form of a letter

the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax


Moral disintegration is connected to military apotheosis.

—p.19 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

Moral disintegration is connected to military apotheosis.

—p.19 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible; as an adjective, refers to something secretive or mysterious


Crackpot Realism is, through its cabalistic fixation on the secret meanings of words

—p.19 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

Crackpot Realism is, through its cabalistic fixation on the secret meanings of words

—p.19 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

(noun) politics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives


Jonathan Franzen hopes to secure the urban necropolis from further decay through his over-the-edge realpolitik

—p.21 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago

Jonathan Franzen hopes to secure the urban necropolis from further decay through his over-the-edge realpolitik

—p.21 Crackpot Realism: Fiction for the Forthcoming Millenium (13) by Melvin Jules Bukiet
7 years, 6 months ago