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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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assistance and support in times of hardship and distress


disaffected souls are relentlessly steered back into the thrall of a marketplace where we can access, individually, little hits of succor

—p.7 Tell Me It’s Going to be OK (6) by Miya Tokumitsu
5 years, 3 months ago

disaffected souls are relentlessly steered back into the thrall of a marketplace where we can access, individually, little hits of succor

—p.7 Tell Me It’s Going to be OK (6) by Miya Tokumitsu
5 years, 3 months ago

(adjective) suffering from extreme poverty; impoverished / (adjective) deficient / (adjective) totally lacking in something specified


distinguish the wealthy wheat from the indigent chaff

—p.22 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

distinguish the wealthy wheat from the indigent chaff

—p.22 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

a brief moral saying taken from ancient or popular or other sources, often quoted without context; as an adjective, means either given to aphoristic expression, or just referring to an aphoristic expression. or: 'in a way that tries to sound important or intelligent, especially by expressing moral judgements'


The sententious tracts of the Gilded Age had always been aimed at breadwinners and would-be financiers, which is to say, at men


—p.23 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

The sententious tracts of the Gilded Age had always been aimed at breadwinners and would-be financiers, which is to say, at men


—p.23 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

(noun) a painkilling drug or medicine


pain belongs in therapy, fortified by the anodyne paintings and muted by the padded walls

—p.25 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

pain belongs in therapy, fortified by the anodyne paintings and muted by the padded walls

—p.25 The Promise of Misery (20) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

(verb) to cause to seem inferior; disparage / (verb) to take away a part so as to impair; detract / (verb) to act beneath one's position or character / (LEGAL) an exemption from or relaxation of a rule or law


disparaged the film as a “white savior narrative”—a phrase that is now a routine derogation of certain cross-racial sagas of resistance to white supremacy

—p.52 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

disparaged the film as a “white savior narrative”—a phrase that is now a routine derogation of certain cross-racial sagas of resistance to white supremacy

—p.52 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

(noun) the act or process of manumitting / (noun) formal emancipation from slavery


Quentin Tarantino’s 2012 race film Django Unchained reduced slavery and manumission to the antics of a spaghetti-Western-style hero who in fact never challenges slavery but fixates only on rescuing his wife

—p.53 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

Quentin Tarantino’s 2012 race film Django Unchained reduced slavery and manumission to the antics of a spaghetti-Western-style hero who in fact never challenges slavery but fixates only on rescuing his wife

—p.53 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

(verb) writhe toss / (verb) wallow / (verb) to rise and fall or toss about in or with waves / (verb) to become deeply sunk, soaked, or involved / (verb) to be in turmoil / (noun) a state of wild disorder; turmoil / (noun) a chaotic mass or jumble


This new welter of platforms and voices seeking to promulgate and validate the acceptable terms of black leadership

—p.59 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

This new welter of platforms and voices seeking to promulgate and validate the acceptable terms of black leadership

—p.59 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

(adjective) self-proclaimed so-called


This surface accord within the charmed circle of soi-disant black leaders reinforces the illusion

—p.61 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

This surface accord within the charmed circle of soi-disant black leaders reinforces the illusion

—p.61 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

(noun) a long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes


the jeremiads offered by contemporary racial voices so commonly boil down to calls for “conversations about race”

—p.62 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

the jeremiads offered by contemporary racial voices so commonly boil down to calls for “conversations about race”

—p.62 The Trouble With Uplift (50) by Adolph L. Reed Jr.
5 years, 3 months ago

(noun) a troublesome or mischievous person


the hellion roses in the wind

—p.67 In the Grand Scheme of Things (67) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago

the hellion roses in the wind

—p.67 In the Grand Scheme of Things (67) missing author
5 years, 3 months ago