the arche to history's telos
the arche to history's telos
(noun) one who rejects a socially established morality
nothing could be more insulting to Christianity than to reduce it romantically to antinomianism
nothing could be more insulting to Christianity than to reduce it romantically to antinomianism
relating to a church parish; having a limited or narrow outlook or scope
To call Kazin's background parochial would be too ample: it was not a parish he called home, but a single city block.
To call Kazin's background parochial would be too ample: it was not a parish he called home, but a single city block.
the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax
she apotheosizes experience at at time when she was in search of all the experiences she had missed
she apotheosizes experience at at time when she was in search of all the experiences she had missed