(adjective) producing a beneficial effect; remedial / (adjective) promoting health; curative
Knowledge-work is the way information is made. This is salutary.
Knowledge-work is the way information is made. This is salutary.
(noun) an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect / (noun) a logical impasse or contradiction / (noun) a radical contradiction in the import of a text or theory that is seen in deconstruction as inevitable
This would help make sense of an aporia in Foucault and Brown
This would help make sense of an aporia in Foucault and Brown
a medicine prepared by an unqualified person, especially one that is not considered effective; a scheme or remedy for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement
Competition implies not equality but inequality. Some are just better than others and deserve more. It is as ideological and self-proving a nostrum as exchange, of course.
Competition implies not equality but inequality. Some are just better than others and deserve more. It is as ideological and self-proving a nostrum as exchange, of course.
the obtaining of sexual pleasure by looking at nude bodies, erotic photographs, etc, especially as a substitute for actual sexual participation
In the now classic Freudian screen theory popularized by Laura Mulvey, the male gaze partakes in a scopophilic desire to look, but is threatened by the castrating power of the image of the woman
In the now classic Freudian screen theory popularized by Laura Mulvey, the male gaze partakes in a scopophilic desire to look, but is threatened by the castrating power of the image of the woman