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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(adjective) bygone former / (noun) past tense


it is an anachronistic reductio ad absurdum of a preterite system or, what is worse, the feeble artifice of an Argentinian gone astray in the maze of metaphysics

—p.44 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

it is an anachronistic reductio ad absurdum of a preterite system or, what is worse, the feeble artifice of an Argentinian gone astray in the maze of metaphysics

—p.44 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

a category of writing derived from the French phrase meaning "beautiful" or "fine" writing; includes all literary works—especially fiction, poetry, drama, or essays—valued for their aesthetic qualities and originality of style and tone


In the course of a life dedicated to belles-lettres and, occasionally, to the perplexities of metaphysics, I have glimpsed or foreseen a refutation of time

—p.45 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

In the course of a life dedicated to belles-lettres and, occasionally, to the perplexities of metaphysics, I have glimpsed or foreseen a refutation of time

—p.45 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

"assuming the initial point"; a fallacy of circular reasoning


The Cartesian “I think, therefore I am” is thus invalidated: to say I think is to postulate the I, and is a petitio principii.

—p.49 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

The Cartesian “I think, therefore I am” is thus invalidated: to say I think is to postulate the I, and is a petitio principii.

—p.49 A New Refutation of Time (44) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object


the tall proud tomes that cast a golden penumbra in an angle of the drawing room were not—as he had dreamed in his vanity—a mirror of the world, but simply one more thing added to the universe

—p.83 A Yellow Rose (83) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

the tall proud tomes that cast a golden penumbra in an angle of the drawing room were not—as he had dreamed in his vanity—a mirror of the world, but simply one more thing added to the universe

—p.83 A Yellow Rose (83) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

breed or spread so as to become extremely common; be very crowded; be full of life and activity


The two arcane words pullulated in the text of the Poetics; it was impossible to elude them.

what an unpleasant word

—p.102 Averroës’ Search (101) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

The two arcane words pullulated in the text of the Poetics; it was impossible to elude them.

what an unpleasant word

—p.102 Averroës’ Search (101) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

(noun) excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one's achievements / (noun) vain display or show; vanity


he condemned the ambition to innovate as both illiterate and vainglorious

—p.109 Averroës’ Search (101) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

he condemned the ambition to innovate as both illiterate and vainglorious

—p.109 Averroës’ Search (101) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

(noun) a visible manifestation of a deity


Erigena formulates a doctrine of pantheistic cast: particular things are theophanies (revelations or apparitions of the divine) and behind them is God, the only reality

—p.119 From Someone to No One (118) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

Erigena formulates a doctrine of pantheistic cast: particular things are theophanies (revelations or apparitions of the divine) and behind them is God, the only reality

—p.119 From Someone to No One (118) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

a grammatical mistake in speech or writing


on June 6, Teodelina Villar committed the solecism of dying in the southern suburbs


—p.129 The Zahir (128) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

on June 6, Teodelina Villar committed the solecism of dying in the southern suburbs


—p.129 The Zahir (128) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

(adjective) empyreal / (noun) the highest heaven or heavenly sphere in ancient and medieval cosmology usually consisting of fire or light / (noun) the true and ultimate heavenly paradise / (noun) firmament heavens / (noun) an ideal place or state


Mankind has lost a face, an irretrievable face, and everyone would like to be that pilgrim (dreamed of in the empyrean, under the Rose) who sees Veronica's handkerchief in Rome and murmurs with faith

—p.176 Paradiso XXXI, 108 (176) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago

Mankind has lost a face, an irretrievable face, and everyone would like to be that pilgrim (dreamed of in the empyrean, under the Rose) who sees Veronica's handkerchief in Rome and murmurs with faith

—p.176 Paradiso XXXI, 108 (176) by Jorge Luis Borges
1 year, 7 months ago