(adjective) kind obliging / (adjective) dutiful / (adjective) volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed; meddlesome / (adjective) informal unofficial
transferring 40 percent of its economic interest [...] officious behavior that many protested
But she’d sunk back on a leather bench, left the assault to their guide’s officious requests
as beams of the police car swept them in an officious turn and sought the opening in the hedge.
smiles that were almost tender and satisfied, a familiar and officious gallantry
The guards were adamant they could not come in. It seemed as if after their heart-in-mouth journey, the officious defences of their own side might stymie them.
They were speaking to each other with tinkling officiousness, like two administrators filling out a form together.
the officious viciousness of the Nazi occupation of the country
i thought it meant like lackluster?
a woman brimming with affection, a woman so adroitly officious that she gave the impression of belonging to whomever she was addressing