(noun) a painkilling drug or medicine
(verb) to give a false impression of / (verb) to present an appearance not in agreement with / (verb) to show (something) to be false or wrong / (verb) to run counter to; contradict / (verb) disguise
(adjective) characterized by abundance; copious / (adjective) generous in amount, extent, or spirit / (adjective) being full and well developed / (adjective) aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive / (adjective) exceeding the bounds of good taste; overdone / (adjective) excessively complimentary or flattering; effusive
(noun) the male head of a household / (noun) the father of a family / (noun) a man who originates or is a leading figure in something (as a movement, discipline, or enterprise)
(verb) recoil retract / (verb) to return to a prior position
(chemistry) the combining power of an element. or like, aspect
clear and obvious, in a stark or exaggerated form