(verb) to cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrument / (verb) to fell by blows of an ax / (verb) to give form or shape to with or as if with heavy cutting blows / (verb) to make cutting blows / (verb) conform adhere / (abbreviation) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare / (verb) to hew (as timber) coarsely without smoothing or finishing / (verb) to form crudely
the way this state was historically hewn out of the wilderness
Wallace's IRS heroes hew toward transcendence through immanence, down in their holes
Even though her family was black and mine white, I hewed more to her worldview than to the four-in-hand tie knotters riding the club car or going to the Yale game in Cheever’s and Salinger’s and Fitzgerald’s books.
on Maya Angelou
They were hewing out of the mountain of white supremacy the stone of their individuality.