inimical to the pessimistic vision of tragedy
Deconstruction is inimical to Marxist thought at the point where it questions the validity of any science or method set up in rigid separation from the play of textual meaning
the Frankfurt School would change after 1928 when Pollock and later Horkheimer became directors of the Institute, unleashing an era of speculative neo-Marxist theorising inimical to Grünberg and older Marxists such as Grossman
What could be more inimical to any trace of teleology than those who take account of the sidings of history?
premature independence is inimical to systematic learning
(says the dog)
the nobles have obviously no cause to be influenced in their interpretation by personal interests inimical to us, for the laws were made to the advantage of the nobles from the very beginning, they themselves stand above the law, and that seems to be why the laws were entrusted exclusively into their hands
generally inimical to bell-bottomed, lefty film-studies majors