relating to the writing of the lives of saints; (derogatory) adulatory writing about another person
The hagiographic literature of special forces in Afghanistan is both unilluminating and extensive.
The truly hagiographic text is Gustav Janouch's Conversations with Kafka.
Those who count themselves on the side of the revolution must engage with these failures and crimes. To do otherwise is to fall into apologia, special pleading, hagiography – and to run the risk of repeating such mistakes.
a general hagiography of the rapper and his crew
In his commissioned hagiography of Aramco, Wallace Stegner describes the momentary silence of the oil terminals:
a compensatory impulse to hagiography followed his suicide
on DFW
challenging the too-frequent tendency toward hagiographical, sui generis readings
A comparison between Dreyer’s and Bresson’s Joan of Arc films is not only convenient but also fruitful, explicitly establishing their different attitudes toward hagiography.
In a hagiographic documentary about him