(common Althusserian term) the process by which ideology, embodied in major social and political institutions (ideological & repressive state apparatuses), constitutes the very nature of individual subjects' identities through the process of "hailing" them in social interactions
published a string of profiles platforming white supremacists and neo-Nazis as if they were now an accepted part of the social fabric (thus interpellating them as such)
the ghost hardly stands alone in the set of beings interpellated through gender
the working-class subject was interpellated by New Labour as a being capable of radical, indeed practically infinite, self-transformation
All totalizing systems that interpellate individual subjects to coincide strictly with their chosen role as social beings always "expulse" a certain residue
A person described as "mad" is constructed through interpellation by psychiatric discourse and clinical practice.
As the French Marxist Louis Althusser pointed out in his essay on the ideological state apparatuses, this is what makes the ‘interpellation’ process (his name for a particular kind of capitalist indoctrination) so effective
the unreasonable teenage belief that he should not be interpellated, which Emma had to google to learn that he felt he should not be collected into a humanlike image by the rods and cones of others.
We can perhaps say that gaming interpellates [...] if gaming interpellates fragmented subjects, giving them a sense of purpose, then it does so in the service of dominant ideologies.
The calling of Matthew is also known as his “vocation,” a word that reminds us here of the original etymological significance of a sacred interpellation, literally a calling from the divine.