(noun) one that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it
the transatlantic rivalry of parvenu American wealth with the titled wealth of Victorian London
He represents the most “parvenu” part of myself, the most adolescent too. He’s not very intellectual, loves fancy cars, music while he drives.
No one could call him a parvenu. No one could dismiss him as just another entrepreneur.
Recognizing this, he invariably suffered an involuntary twinge of vainglory, the almost haughty yet well-concealed manners of a parvenu treated as an equal by princes and princesses
In real life, the robber-baron industrialists and financiers of Wall Street were no more aristocrats than my grandma from the shtetl. They were parvenus.
new money lol
Maybe, too, it was because I liked to recognize in A the “parvenu” part of myself: as a teenager I would crave dresses, records, and trips abroad, deprived of these things among friends who had them
A parvenu won’t just drive a Porsche but will also live in a luxury condo and enroll her children in the top private schools.
Only old Catherine Mingott, with her absence of moral prejudices and almost parvenu indifference to the subtler distinctions
the parvenu and snobbish Verdurin salon
nouveau riche basically