the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things
apophenia (Gibson's novel concerns a clip of video material which keeps cropping up on the cultural landscape, and where it comes from [...]) and apophenia is one of the truly interesting concepts
on Pattern Recognition
apophenia (Gibson's novel concerns a clip of video material which keeps cropping up on the cultural landscape, and where it comes from [...]) and apophenia is one of the truly interesting concepts
on Pattern Recognition
a critical or discursive introduction to a book (from Ancient Greek)
with some traditional fiction it would not be necessary to offer these prolegomenas
with some traditional fiction it would not be necessary to offer these prolegomenas
(chemistry) the combining power of an element. or like, aspect
Wallace is equally attuned to the religious valence of the concept
Wallace is equally attuned to the religious valence of the concept
(from Greek) a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase from figurative speech is used in a new context
it creates a space for the reader joining the other potentially metaleptic sentence in the short story
it creates a space for the reader joining the other potentially metaleptic sentence in the short story
(noun) a custom in some cultures in which when a child is born the father takes to bed as if bearing the child and submits himself to fasting, purification, or taboos
Couvade, by extension, refers to a father who, on the birth of a child, [...]
Couvade, by extension, refers to a father who, on the birth of a child, [...]
report or represent in outline; foreshadow or symbolize
the shared positioning adumbrated in "Think" proposes
the shared positioning adumbrated in "Think" proposes
(adj) exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks
in some ways acts as a variegated redemption of
in some ways acts as a variegated redemption of