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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(adjective) being less dense / (adjective) of, relating to, or interesting to a select group; esoteric / (adjective) very high / (verb) to make rare, thin, porous, or less dense; to expand without the addition of matter / (verb) to make more spiritual, refined, or abstruse / (verb) to become less dense


Nabokov’s sentences go on for lines and sometimes pages, and his highfalutin diction sprouts naturally from his polyglot education and rarefied background

—p.62 Don’t Try This at Home: The Seductive, Narcissistic Count (55) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

Nabokov’s sentences go on for lines and sometimes pages, and his highfalutin diction sprouts naturally from his polyglot education and rarefied background

—p.62 Don’t Try This at Home: The Seductive, Narcissistic Count (55) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(noun) a psychological disorder marked especially by easy fatigability and often by lack of motivation, feelings of inadequacy, and psychosomatic symptoms


the kind of grotesque portraits Nabokov can paint of family underlings like his neurasthenic governess Mademoiselle

—p.65 Don’t Try This at Home: The Seductive, Narcissistic Count (55) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

the kind of grotesque portraits Nabokov can paint of family underlings like his neurasthenic governess Mademoiselle

—p.65 Don’t Try This at Home: The Seductive, Narcissistic Count (55) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(adjective) very flowery in style; ornate / tinged with red; ruddy / marked by emotional or sexual fervor / elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated


Some memories—often the best and worst—burn inside us for lifetimes, florid, unforgettable, demanding to be set down.

—p.89 Hucksters, the Deluded, and Big Fat Liars (81) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

Some memories—often the best and worst—burn inside us for lifetimes, florid, unforgettable, demanding to be set down.

—p.89 Hucksters, the Deluded, and Big Fat Liars (81) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(noun) a woman who is the most respected or prominent person in a particular field (feminine version of doyen)


Maybe any writer who yaps about her work outside brief interviews comes off as a car salesman. Or worse, as if she’s touting herself as the doyenne.

—p.113 Dealing with Beloveds (On and Off the Page) (111) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

Maybe any writer who yaps about her work outside brief interviews comes off as a car salesman. Or worse, as if she’s touting herself as the doyenne.

—p.113 Dealing with Beloveds (On and Off the Page) (111) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(adj) having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters


His sole question—“Were you penetrated?”—felt coldly prurient.

—p.117 Dealing with Beloveds (On and Off the Page) (111) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

His sole question—“Were you penetrated?”—felt coldly prurient.

—p.117 Dealing with Beloveds (On and Off the Page) (111) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

hew (en)

(verb) to cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrument / (verb) to fell by blows of an ax / (verb) to give form or shape to with or as if with heavy cutting blows / (verb) to make cutting blows / (verb) conform adhere / (abbreviation) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare / (verb) to hew (as timber) coarsely without smoothing or finishing / (verb) to form crudely


Even though her family was black and mine white, I hewed more to her worldview than to the four-in-hand tie knotters riding the club car or going to the Yale game in Cheever’s and Salinger’s and Fitzgerald’s books.

on Maya Angelou

—p.130 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

Even though her family was black and mine white, I hewed more to her worldview than to the four-in-hand tie knotters riding the club car or going to the Yale game in Cheever’s and Salinger’s and Fitzgerald’s books.

on Maya Angelou

—p.130 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(linguistics) the omission of a sound or syllable when speaking OR the act or an instance of omitting something


This whole herd of poets—all but Dickinson classically educated—operates on elision and emotional reserve.

—p.131 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

This whole herd of poets—all but Dickinson classically educated—operates on elision and emotional reserve.

—p.131 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

(adjective) deserving to be execrated; detestable / (adjective) very bad; wretched


Here’s an execrable excerpt from my 1978 poem “Civilization and Its Discontents”

—p.132 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

Here’s an execrable excerpt from my 1978 poem “Civilization and Its Discontents”

—p.132 Personal Run-Ins with Fake Voices (129) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

in a slanting or oblique position


I just couldn’t stop seeing my marriage except colored by our divorce, and I wrote the same pages over and over, not making stuff up, but canting the material one way, then another. At first I wrote events that cast him as perfect and me as a drunken slag. Then I wrote him as an icy WASP and myself as a tender heart.

—p.179 Major Reversals in Cherry and Lit (173) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

I just couldn’t stop seeing my marriage except colored by our divorce, and I wrote the same pages over and over, not making stuff up, but canting the material one way, then another. At first I wrote events that cast him as perfect and me as a drunken slag. Then I wrote him as an icy WASP and myself as a tender heart.

—p.179 Major Reversals in Cherry and Lit (173) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

relating to or characteristic of an elegy.


lacing it all together is his own elegiac longing for some solid ground he never really finds

—p.196 Michael Herr: Start in Kansas, End in Oz (193) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago

lacing it all together is his own elegiac longing for some solid ground he never really finds

—p.196 Michael Herr: Start in Kansas, End in Oz (193) by Mary Karr
5 years, 6 months ago