in the eminent sense
The distinctive aspect, in comparison to verbal irony, is that this 'irony sensu eminentiori [in the eminent sense] is directed not against this or that particular existing entity [...]'
quoting Kierkegaard in The Concept of Irony 253
The distinctive aspect, in comparison to verbal irony, is that this 'irony sensu eminentiori [in the eminent sense] is directed not against this or that particular existing entity [...]'
quoting Kierkegaard in The Concept of Irony 253
(noun) twilight; dusk
According to Judge William, the aesthete laughs the 'laughter of despair' and Kierkegaard speaks of the 'superior indolence that cares for nothing at all, that does not care to work [...], that disperses and exhausts all the powers of the soul in soft enjoyment, and lets consciousness itself evaporate into a loathsome gloaming'.
quoting Kierkegaard in either Either/Or (2, 205) or The Concept of Irony (295), not sure
According to Judge William, the aesthete laughs the 'laughter of despair' and Kierkegaard speaks of the 'superior indolence that cares for nothing at all, that does not care to work [...], that disperses and exhausts all the powers of the soul in soft enjoyment, and lets consciousness itself evaporate into a loathsome gloaming'.
quoting Kierkegaard in either Either/Or (2, 205) or The Concept of Irony (295), not sure
(noun) fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions
Patricia Waugh defines it as follows: 'Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artefact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality.'
quoting Waugh's book called Metafiction lol
Patricia Waugh defines it as follows: 'Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artefact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality.'
quoting Waugh's book called Metafiction lol
part (taken) for the whole
To label this literary trend 'metafiction' is a pars pro toto, symbolic of its larger postmodernist project of unveiling artificiality and problematizing reality.
To label this literary trend 'metafiction' is a pars pro toto, symbolic of its larger postmodernist project of unveiling artificiality and problematizing reality.
unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable
by constructing an attempt to establish presence, deconstruction exposes an ineluctable, ineffaceable element of absence that undermines the ideal of presence
by constructing an attempt to establish presence, deconstruction exposes an ineluctable, ineffaceable element of absence that undermines the ideal of presence
the belief that sounds and speech are inherently superior to, or more primary than, written language
According to Derrida, Western philosophy has always privileged speech over writing, and he calls this engrained preference 'phonocentrism'.
According to Derrida, Western philosophy has always privileged speech over writing, and he calls this engrained preference 'phonocentrism'.
and others?
points towards an alternative from endless deconstruction, which is also what Wallace cum suis crave.
points towards an alternative from endless deconstruction, which is also what Wallace cum suis crave.
spread or branch out
"Thinking", a widely ramified concept.
"Thinking", a widely ramified concept.
(law) in the inner court
meditating (whether aloud or in foro interno)
quoting P.M.S. Hacker in Meaning Mind p301
meditating (whether aloud or in foro interno)
quoting P.M.S. Hacker in Meaning Mind p301
philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence in which the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world
Deconstruction turns the ideal of being an autonomous, immanent self, free from external influences, against itself
Deconstruction turns the ideal of being an autonomous, immanent self, free from external influences, against itself