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(common Althusserian term) the process by which ideology, embodied in major social and political institutions (ideological & repressive state apparatuses), constitutes the very nature of individual subjects' identities through the process of "hailing" them in social interactions


published a string of profiles platforming white supremacists and neo-Nazis as if they were now an accepted part of the social fabric (thus interpellating them as such)

—p.11 We, Anti-Fascists (7) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

published a string of profiles platforming white supremacists and neo-Nazis as if they were now an accepted part of the social fabric (thus interpellating them as such)

—p.11 We, Anti-Fascists (7) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(German for worldview) a particular philosophy or view of life; the worldview of an individual or group


the incommensurability of a white supremacist Weltanschauung with one of tolerance

—p.13 We, Anti-Fascists (7) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

the incommensurability of a white supremacist Weltanschauung with one of tolerance

—p.13 We, Anti-Fascists (7) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(common Althusserian term) the process by which ideology, embodied in major social and political institutions (ideological & repressive state apparatuses), constitutes the very nature of individual subjects' identities through the process of "hailing" them in social interactions


the ghost hardly stands alone in the set of beings interpellated through gender

—p.27 Ghost Stories (25) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

the ghost hardly stands alone in the set of beings interpellated through gender

—p.27 Ghost Stories (25) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(verb) to make faulty or defective; impair / (verb) to debase in moral or aesthetic status / (verb) to make ineffective


withdraw their submission to a government they believe has vitiated the contract’s terms

—p.75 Know Your Rights (71) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

withdraw their submission to a government they believe has vitiated the contract’s terms

—p.75 Know Your Rights (71) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(adjective) marked by or given to censure; severely critical of others


Today’s specious free speech debate should not lead to calls for a censorious restriction of First Amendment rights

—p.78 Know Your Rights (71) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

Today’s specious free speech debate should not lead to calls for a censorious restriction of First Amendment rights

—p.78 Know Your Rights (71) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(noun) a eulogistic oration or writing / (noun) formal or elaborate praise


Kennedy’s panegyric to marriage as a form of existential identification with another human is of little interest to the immigration agents who decide what counts as “real” marriage and which partners get to live in this country.

—p.85 Love According to the State (81) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

Kennedy’s panegyric to marriage as a form of existential identification with another human is of little interest to the immigration agents who decide what counts as “real” marriage and which partners get to live in this country.

—p.85 Love According to the State (81) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

(adjective) keen, sharp / (adjective) vigorously effective and articulate / (adjective) caustic / (adjective) sharply perceptive; penetrating / (adjective) clear-cut, distinct


seems to capture a trenchant insurrectionary tableau

—p.109 Being Numerous (109) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

seems to capture a trenchant insurrectionary tableau

—p.109 Being Numerous (109) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

causing vertigo, especially by being extremely high or steep


those familiar vertiginous fancies, arising, say, at the edge of a subway platform

—p.125 Of Suicide (123) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago

those familiar vertiginous fancies, arising, say, at the edge of a subway platform

—p.125 Of Suicide (123) by Natasha Lennard
5 years ago