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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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No terms by Ben Lerner
View notes by Ben Lerner (1)
the poem is always a record of failure
Poetry arises from the desire to get beyond the finite and …
View terms by Ben Lerner (2)
polysemous »
when a word or phrase has multiple meanings (from…
virgule »
(noun) slash
No notes by Ben Lerner
View terms by Ben Lerner (6)
coeval »
(adjective) of the same or equal age, antiquity, …
proprioception »
(noun) the sense of the relative position of one'…
palimpsest »
a manuscript or piece of writing material on whic…
chthonic »
(adjective) of or relating to the underworld; inf…
somnambular »
to walk or perform another act while asleep or in…
View notes by Ben Lerner (6)
a ritual destruction of the conditions of viewing
It was impossible, as at most openings, to look at the art;…
overwhelming sense of the world’s possibility
[...] She said she hoped she would see me again, and the ne…
a system of great majesty and murderous stupidity
I would like to say my recognition of this asymmetry led me…
the softening sky reflected in the water
Headaches, disordered speech, weakness, visual disturbances…
one big totaled prosody
With my chopsticks I lifted and dipped the third and final …
View terms by Ben Lerner (5)
desultory »
(adjective) marked by lack of definite plan, regu…
prosody »
(noun) the study of versification / (noun) the sy…
ekphrasis »
a rhetorical term originally taught to Greek stud…
virgule »
(noun) slash
jeremiad »
(noun) a long, mournful complaint or lamentation;…
View notes by Ben Lerner (10)
contempt as a condition of its possibility
“Poetry”: What kind of art assumes the dislike of its audie…
the poem is always a record of failure
Allen Grossman, whose reading of Caedmon I’m pirating here,…
there is no genuine poetry
If you are an adult foolish enough to tell another adult th…
both an embarrassment and accusation
[...] “poetry” denotes an impossible demand. This is one un…
human beings, not merely criminals
(At the turn of the millennium, when I was the editor of a …