(adjective) having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance [frowsy or frowzy]
(adjective) musty stale / (adjective) having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance
rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality, and other identifying characteristics of individuality
(adjective) dazzlingly bright; radiant (effulgent is a synonym)
(noun) the act or process of flashing like lightning / (noun) electrodesiccation
(adjective) sooty / (adjective) obscure murky / (adjective) having a dark or dusky color
(verb) to utter or send out with denunciation / (verb) to send forth censures or invectives / (verb) express vehement protest
(adjective) characterized by abundance; copious / (adjective) generous in amount, extent, or spirit / (adjective) being full and well developed / (adjective) aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive / (adjective) exceeding the bounds of good taste; overdone / (adjective) excessively complimentary or flattering; effusive
(adjective) of a dull brownish yellow; tawny
German for "Being for oneself"; a concept used by Hegel?
(adjective) of any of several colors averaging a brownish gray / dark and somber in color (literary term)
(noun) a number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession / (noun) something that gives the effect of a fusillade / (noun) a spirited outburst especially of criticism
(noun) a strong cotton and linen fabric / (noun) a class of cotton fabrics usually having a pile face and twill weave / (noun) high-flown or affected writing or speech / (noun) anything high-flown or affected in style
a firm hard-finish durable fabric (as of wool or rayon) twilled with diagonal ribs on the right side
(noun) hodgepodge; a confused jumble or medley of things
defined as inflation of 10% or more
(verb) to skip about in play; frisk frolic
(noun) a stick or iron for suspending slaughtered animals / (noun) a roof with a lower steeper slope and an upper less steep one on each of its two sides
a bad or lame leg
(noun) a frame for supporting barrels / (noun) ; a frame structure raised on side supports so as to span over or around something; as / (noun) a platform made to carry a traveling crane and supported by towers or side frames running on parallel tracks / (noun) a movable structure with platforms at different levels used for erecting and servicing rockets before launching / (noun) a structure spanning several railroad tracks and displaying signals for each
(noun) a room or unfinished part of a house just under the roof
a state organized to serve primarily its own need for military security; also : a state maintained by military power
a hypothetical unit of currency that has the same purchasing power parity that the U.S. dollar had in the United States at a given point in time (for comparing GDP between countries)
(adjective) extremely cold; icy
(noun) a spontaneously arising organic social relationship characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of sentiment and kinship within a common tradition / (noun) a community or society characterized by this relationship