(noun) a coarse woolen or cotton fabric napped to imitate felt
declivated: downward sloping; declivity: downward slope
(adjective) marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose / (adjective) not connected with the main subject / (adjective) disappointing in progress, performance, or quality
(adjective) empyreal / (noun) the highest heaven or heavenly sphere in ancient and medieval cosmology usually consisting of fire or light / (noun) the true and ultimate heavenly paradise / (noun) firmament heavens / (noun) an ideal place or state
atone for (guilt or sin)
(noun) a brief moment of emotional excitement; shudder thrill
(noun) a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility / (noun) a state of lowered physiological activity typically characterized by reduced metabolism, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature that occurs in varying degrees especially in hibernating and estivating animals / (noun) apathy dullness
(noun) a mineral consisting of a massive usually layered calcium carbonate (as aragonite or calcite) formed by deposition from spring waters or especially from hot springs
(adj) exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks