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Showing results by Wolfgang Streeck only

post-WWII formula for democratic capitalist stability: government intervention in business, state planning for growth and full employment, social redistribution; supervised by an interventionist state committed to disciplining the market in order to keep this social contract and thus maintain its legitimacy

(noun) the lower middle class including especially small shopkeepers and artisans

(adj) placing undue emphasis on petty details; petty or trivial

a paradox described by Hungarian economist Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation, refering to the actions of states in ensuring the existence of free markets

a term that Citigroup analysts have used for economies "where economic growth is powered by and largely consumed by the wealthy few."

a term that Citigroup analysts have used for economies "where economic growth is powered by and largely consumed by the wealthy few."

(noun) a form or process of civil government or constitution; OR an organized society; a state as a political entity

occurring or done after the event, especially with reference to the fallacious assumption that the occurrence in question has a logical relationship with the event it follows

the ~25 years after WWII when states focused on the welfare of their citizens, with investment in social spending financed by appropriate taxes on the wealthy

the state of being close to someone or something; proximity

a term introduced by Ralf Dahrendorf; refers to when citizens consume rather than save, and thus most money is borrowed (or "pumped")

a violent attempt to overthrow a government; a coup

make (something abstract) more concrete or real

make (something abstract) more concrete or real

a Marxist term (though never actually used by Karl Marx himself) refering to those who receive income - usually interest, rent, dividends, capital gains, or profits - from their assets and investments

the lowest rate of profit that an investor will tolerate in order to put his or her money to work; introduced by Wolfgang Streeck in Buying Time in analogy with reservation wage

an unusual term (probably localised to anti-capitalist schools) to refer to the 1970's, characterised by high expectations of prosperity and freedom

a hardening of tissue and other anatomical features / becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt

"without anger and fondness" or "without hate and zealousness"; coined by Roman historian Tacitus

justice that follows collective ideas of fairness, correctness and reciprocity, concedes demands for a minimum livelihood irrespective of economic performance or productivity, and recognizes civil and human rights to such things as health, social security, participation in the life of the community, employment protection and trade union organization; determined by cultural norms and is based on status rather than contract

"language-game", which is a philosophical concept developed by Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Waismann that refers to simple examples of language use and the actions into which the language is woven

"nation" or "people"; defined by Wolfgang Streeck in Buying Time as "the general citizenry", to be distinguished from the Marktvolk (the people of the market); nationally organized and consisting of citizens tied to a particular state, from which they can claim certain inalienable rights of citizenship

(stagnation + inflation) when inflation is high, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high

an act of subsuming

an act of subsuming

Showing results by Wolfgang Streeck only