(noun) a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being / (noun) a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting a portent / (adjective) eliciting amazement or wonder; prodigious / (adjective) being a grave or serious matter / (adjective) self-consciously solemn or important; pompous / (adjective) ponderously excessive
(adj) having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters
to walk or perform another act while asleep or in a sleeplike condition
(adjective) marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view; biased
(adjective) marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view; biased
(verb) to make faulty or defective; impair / (verb) to debase in moral or aesthetic status / (verb) to make ineffective