the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement
The disingenuousness of his repeated abrogation of expertise and continued professions that he was unable to write beyond his own perspective, even as he insisted on the central importance of the perspective of the other
on DFW
The disingenuousness of his repeated abrogation of expertise and continued professions that he was unable to write beyond his own perspective, even as he insisted on the central importance of the perspective of the other
on DFW
De la Durantaye articulates Wallace's vision as follows: "freedom is not about having as few fetters as possible; it is about leading an examined life. Freedom is about being a good person, choosing to be a good person, every day."
"How to Be Happy" by Leland De la Durantaye in the Boston Review March 2011
De la Durantaye articulates Wallace's vision as follows: "freedom is not about having as few fetters as possible; it is about leading an examined life. Freedom is about being a good person, choosing to be a good person, every day."
"How to Be Happy" by Leland De la Durantaye in the Boston Review March 2011
(adjective) causing or tending to cause sleep / (adjective) tending to dull awareness or alertness / (adjective) of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy / (noun) a soporific agent / (noun) hypnotic