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This is a personal project by @dellsystem. I built this to help me retain information from the books I'm reading.

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(adjective) deficient in color; wan / (adjective) lacking sparkle or liveliness; dull


Riding still, out of the roaring night into a pallid day of sidewalks and beggars with the past rising through their eyes.

—p.70 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

Riding still, out of the roaring night into a pallid day of sidewalks and beggars with the past rising through their eyes.

—p.70 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation


During the day, life stood stolid, gray and oblivious. But at night, heaven came in the cracks.

—p.103 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

During the day, life stood stolid, gray and oblivious. But at night, heaven came in the cracks.

—p.103 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

fey (en)

(adjective) fated to die; doomed / (adjective) marked by a foreboding of death or calamity / (adjective) able to see into the future; visionary / (adjective) marked by an otherworldly air or attitude / (adjective) crazy touched / (adjective) excessively refined; precious / (adjective) quaintly unconventional; campy


She spoke of fey youths she had known, of their clothes and hair, the petulant swing of their slim hips.

—p.145 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

She spoke of fey youths she had known, of their clothes and hair, the petulant swing of their slim hips.

—p.145 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

(adjective) characterized by abundance; copious / (adjective) generous in amount, extent, or spirit / (adjective) being full and well developed / (adjective) aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive / (adjective) exceeding the bounds of good taste; overdone / (adjective) excessively complimentary or flattering; effusive


Her voice deepened; it became fulsome, indulgent, almost smug

—p.152 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

Her voice deepened; it became fulsome, indulgent, almost smug

—p.152 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation


A stolid girl smiled uncertainly as she held the light-blinded eye of the reflector

—p.173 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

A stolid girl smiled uncertainly as she held the light-blinded eye of the reflector

—p.173 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

(noun) clothing garments


I crossed the room, borrowed raiment flowing

—p.196 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

I crossed the room, borrowed raiment flowing

—p.196 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

(adjective) fatty oily / (adjective) smooth and greasy in texture or appearance / (adjective) plastic / (adjective) full of unction / (adjective) revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality


Her voice was so unctuous that for a second I thought she was affecting it to mock him. Then I saw her false, pleading smile.

—p.202 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

Her voice was so unctuous that for a second I thought she was affecting it to mock him. Then I saw her false, pleading smile.

—p.202 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant


carried his bald head the way a certain kind of truculent person carries his butt

—p.210 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago

carried his bald head the way a certain kind of truculent person carries his butt

—p.210 by Mary Gaitskill
1 year ago