pertaining to or characteristic of the theories of Ferdinand de Saussure, especially the view that a language consists of a network of interrelated elements in contrast
Lacan's Saussurian Signifier/signified equation
spelled "Saussurian" here
Lacan's Saussurian Signifier/signified equation
spelled "Saussurian" here
(noun) defensive wall
atop the bulwark of poststructuralist thought
atop the bulwark of poststructuralist thought
the supposed transmigration at death of the soul of a human being or animal into a new body of the same or a different species
defined as "the transmigration of souls"
defined as "the transmigration of souls"
expressed in or of the nature of short, pithy maxims or aphorisms
typically gnomic and hard-nosed answers
typically gnomic and hard-nosed answers
of or at a stage before the development of language (by the human species) or the acquisition of speech (by a child).
tear them from the prelinguistic Real
tear them from the prelinguistic Real
"nucleus of our being"; from Freudian psychology
referring to a ringlike anatomical structure