(adj) of lower status; (noun) an officer in the British army below the rank of captain, especially a second lieutenant
Post-colonial 'subaltern' theorists, who detect in the persistence of pre-modern traditions the resistance to global capitalism and its violent modernization, are here thoroughly wrong
Post-colonial 'subaltern' theorists, who detect in the persistence of pre-modern traditions the resistance to global capitalism and its violent modernization, are here thoroughly wrong
physical or intellectual pleasure, delight, or ecstasy; the concept featured heavily in the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan's and was expanded on by Roland Barthes for literary theory, to contrast with mere "pleasure" derived from reading texts that don't challenge the reader as a subject. can also refer to pleasure that devolves into pain
there is no place for the Real of jouissance in Heidegger's edifice
there is no place for the Real of jouissance in Heidegger's edifice
(adjective) keen, sharp / (adjective) vigorously effective and articulate / (adjective) caustic / (adjective) sharply perceptive; penetrating / (adjective) clear-cut, distinct
It is difficult to imagine a more trenchant political example of the weight of Lacan's distinction between the 'subject of the enunciated' and the 'subject of the enunciation'
It is difficult to imagine a more trenchant political example of the weight of Lacan's distinction between the 'subject of the enunciated' and the 'subject of the enunciation'
(noun) marsh swamp / (noun) a situation that traps, confuses, or impedes / (noun) an overwhelming or confusing mass or mixture
In the morass of such ideological denegations
In the morass of such ideological denegations
referring to a type of subterranean plant stem; as a metaphor, means interconnected
from traditional hierarchy a pyramid-like subordination to a Master, to pluralizing rhizomatic networks
from traditional hierarchy a pyramid-like subordination to a Master, to pluralizing rhizomatic networks
(noun) a Greco-Christian term referring to "love: the highest form of love, charity", and "the love of God for man and of man for God
the 'hatred' enjoined by Christ is not a kind of pseudo-dialectical opposite to love, but a direct expression of agape
defined as 'unconditional love' earlier
the 'hatred' enjoined by Christ is not a kind of pseudo-dialectical opposite to love, but a direct expression of agape
defined as 'unconditional love' earlier
(psychology) Impulsive acting out; term used by Lacan
it was an impotent passage à l'acte, an acting out which bore witness to the failure to get rid of the past
on the CCR destroying old monuments
it was an impotent passage à l'acte, an acting out which bore witness to the failure to get rid of the past
on the CCR destroying old monuments
(stagnation + inflation) when inflation is high, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high
The late 1960s and the early 1970s were not just the times of oil crisis and stagflation
He goes through the whole US hegemony story in about a page (cites Yanis Varoufakis too)
The late 1960s and the early 1970s were not just the times of oil crisis and stagflation
He goes through the whole US hegemony story in about a page (cites Yanis Varoufakis too)
a figure of speech in which an abstract thing is personified OR an imagined or absent person or thing is represented as speaking (literally, "mask-making")
ideological prosopopoeia has its heyday: markets start to talk as living entities, expressing their 'worry' at what will happen if the elections fail to produce a government with a mandate to continue with the programme of fiscal austerity and structural reform
forgot the meaning but what a great word
ideological prosopopoeia has its heyday: markets start to talk as living entities, expressing their 'worry' at what will happen if the elections fail to produce a government with a mandate to continue with the programme of fiscal austerity and structural reform
forgot the meaning but what a great word
(verb) to reduce the mental or moral vigor of / (verb) to lessen the vitality or strength of
What is so enervating about Varoufakis is not his radicality but his rational pragmatic modesty--no wonder that many radical members of Syriza accused him of capitulating to the EU.
I am never going to remember which meaning this word has am I
What is so enervating about Varoufakis is not his radicality but his rational pragmatic modesty--no wonder that many radical members of Syriza accused him of capitulating to the EU.
I am never going to remember which meaning this word has am I