(noun) the concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration / (noun) a highly rhetorical speech
There is conversation (rather than peroration)
There is conversation (rather than peroration)
(from Greek) a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase from figurative speech is used in a new context
That towards which our reflexive attention tends (adtendere) belongs to what narratology calls a metalepsis, by which it refers to the collapse of two narrative levels that are imagined to be distinct and impermeable
That towards which our reflexive attention tends (adtendere) belongs to what narratology calls a metalepsis, by which it refers to the collapse of two narrative levels that are imagined to be distinct and impermeable
(adjective) depending on an uncertain event or contingency as to both profit and loss / (adjective) relating to luck and especially to bad luck
The aleatory interplay of these factors
The aleatory interplay of these factors