regarding something abstract as a material thing (fallaciously); an effect of reification
Hegel, in hypostasizing both bourgeois society and its fundamental category, the individual, did not truly carry through the dialectic between the two.
Hegel, in hypostasizing both bourgeois society and its fundamental category, the individual, did not truly carry through the dialectic between the two.
a brief moral saying taken from ancient or popular or other sources, often quoted without context; as an adjective, means either given to aphoristic expression, or just referring to an aphoristic expression. or: 'in a way that tries to sound important or intelligent, especially by expressing moral judgements'
the sentnious language of the worker who wants, as a Socialist, to 'learn something'
the sentnious language of the worker who wants, as a Socialist, to 'learn something'
(verb) to make faulty or defective; impair / (verb) to debase in moral or aesthetic status / (verb) to make ineffective
Simmel's writings, for example, are all vitiated by the incompatibility of their out-of-the-ordinary subject matter with its painfully lucid treatment
Simmel's writings, for example, are all vitiated by the incompatibility of their out-of-the-ordinary subject matter with its painfully lucid treatment
unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable
organized fame and remembrance lead ineluctably to nothingness
organized fame and remembrance lead ineluctably to nothingness
(noun) an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect / (noun) a logical impasse or contradiction / (noun) a radical contradiction in the import of a text or theory that is seen in deconstruction as inevitable
The aporia of responsible work benefits the irresponsible.
The aporia of responsible work benefits the irresponsible.
(adjective) indigenous native / (adjective) formed or originating in the place where found
All ruling strata claim to be the oldest settlers, autochthonous.
ooh i really like this
All ruling strata claim to be the oldest settlers, autochthonous.
ooh i really like this
(noun) perception
the same narrow-minded percipience
the same narrow-minded percipience
(noun) a fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasted colors
the poem about the God and the bayadere
the poem about the God and the bayadere
(verb) to break apart or in two; separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space / (verb) to become parted, disunited, or severed
Wealth shall vouch for the possibility of reuniting what is sundered
Wealth shall vouch for the possibility of reuniting what is sundered
selfhood; individual identity (from Latin "ipse" for self)
Kafka: the solipsist without ipseity.
fuck i love this
Kafka: the solipsist without ipseity.
fuck i love this