(noun) sustained and bitter railing and condemnation; vituperative utterance / (noun) an act or instance of vituperating
A curious side effect of open access: a level of vituperation rarely encountered from paying customers, the wrathful indignity of the freeloader!
A curious side effect of open access: a level of vituperation rarely encountered from paying customers, the wrathful indignity of the freeloader!
loud, reverberating, and often melancholy
Not a year has passed since its birth when it hasn't been pronounced dead, and in Goodbye, Dragon Inn we find one of its most eloquent and plangent eulogies.
Not a year has passed since its birth when it hasn't been pronounced dead, and in Goodbye, Dragon Inn we find one of its most eloquent and plangent eulogies.
(noun) a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested / (noun) temporary inactivity; suspension
Through cinema, his films tell us, time can be held in abeyance for a moment
Through cinema, his films tell us, time can be held in abeyance for a moment