(noun) an ultimate end (from Greek)
There is a quasi-religious overtone to all of this—everything in the past has been moving toward a telos, a predestined end.
There is a quasi-religious overtone to all of this—everything in the past has been moving toward a telos, a predestined end.
(noun) the office or jurisdiction of a bailiff / (noun) a special domain
This was Forrestal’s bailiwick.
This was Forrestal’s bailiwick.
(noun) the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system
U.S. empire abroad found its replica in the War on Crime at home: to break the political syzygy of an authoritarian state apparatus in Sacramento or Saigon
U.S. empire abroad found its replica in the War on Crime at home: to break the political syzygy of an authoritarian state apparatus in Sacramento or Saigon
(noun) a building or chamber in which bodies or bones are deposited
among the abattoirs and charnel houses from which scientist Victor Frankenstein scavenges body parts
among the abattoirs and charnel houses from which scientist Victor Frankenstein scavenges body parts