atone for (guilt or sin)
in Aristotle's definition of rhetoric: the means of persuasion, divided between the atechnic (inartistic) and entechnic (artistic)
from neurology to politics to Aristotelian pisteis to Jaussian Kritik to stuff like etiquette and clothing fashions
from neurology to politics to Aristotelian pisteis to Jaussian Kritik to stuff like etiquette and clothing fashions
the process of making a revision or correction to a text
He sent DeLillo a holiday card with the emendation
He sent DeLillo a holiday card with the emendation
an ecumenical Christian program whose goal is to "bring God from the head to the heart"
disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way
he was named as one of the louche uncles
he was named as one of the louche uncles
bland or insipid intellectual fare, entertainment, etc.; pap
cheery denizens plan the next issue's pabulum
cheery denizens plan the next issue's pabulum