(adjective) marked by slaughter; deadly / (adjective) mutually destructive / (adjective) of, relating to, or involving conflict within a group
the internecine and corrupt entanglements of major investment banks, hedge funds and shadowy para-financial firms,
the internecine and corrupt entanglements of major investment banks, hedge funds and shadowy para-financial firms,
(verb) to promote the growth or development of; rouse incite
Financialization both foments and relies upon discursive and material formations such as precariousness, security, play, creativity and resistance.
Financialization both foments and relies upon discursive and material formations such as precariousness, security, play, creativity and resistance.
the act of circumscribing or something that circumscribes (constrict range of activity, draw a line or boundary around)
financiers internalize a culture of risk management and are guided by an imagined relation to a highly circumscribed future.
financiers internalize a culture of risk management and are guided by an imagined relation to a highly circumscribed future.
an unfilled space; a gap (plural: lacunae)
The gap between the two is a productive lacuna in Marx’s work which allows us to pinpoint a key element of capitalist crisis
between real value and price, due to the preponderance of finance
The gap between the two is a productive lacuna in Marx’s work which allows us to pinpoint a key element of capitalist crisis
between real value and price, due to the preponderance of finance
(verb) to promote the growth or development of; rouse incite
The reason why the idea of fictitious capital is useful is because it draws our attention to the way that finance foments and depends on the production of social fictions.
The reason why the idea of fictitious capital is useful is because it draws our attention to the way that finance foments and depends on the production of social fictions.
clear and obvious, in a stark or exaggerated form
So, we can understand financialization as a terrain of struggle and friction between different spheres and cycles of reproduction: the reproduction of capital writ large
So, we can understand financialization as a terrain of struggle and friction between different spheres and cycles of reproduction: the reproduction of capital writ large
clear and obvious, in a stark or exaggerated form
we can understand “fictitious capital” writ large as the way capital spins a crucial social fiction about the nature of the world.
we can understand “fictitious capital” writ large as the way capital spins a crucial social fiction about the nature of the world.
biopolitics: a term defined by Foucault (though not first) as the style of government that regulates populations through "biopower" (the application and impact of political power on all aspects of human life)
securitization is not merely the lingua franca of contemporary finance; it is also the biopolitical imperative of financialization.
securitization is not merely the lingua franca of contemporary finance; it is also the biopolitical imperative of financialization.
(noun) the point in the orbit of an object (as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth / (noun) the point farthest from a planet or a satellite (as the moon) reached by an object orbiting it / (noun) the farthest or highest point; culmination
biopolitics, which he saw as reaching a new apogee in the emergence of a neoliberalism that increasingly subordinated social institutions to market imperatives in the name of freedom, democracy and individual rights
biopolitics, which he saw as reaching a new apogee in the emergence of a neoliberalism that increasingly subordinated social institutions to market imperatives in the name of freedom, democracy and individual rights
(adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by play; playful
this semi-ludic approach to risk management has dramatic and grave consequences
this semi-ludic approach to risk management has dramatic and grave consequences